Without them, the military is but a aimless ship adrift
Moms are often referred to as the glue that holds a family together. They are the pillars of strength and compassion who nurture and guide their children through life’s toughest challenges, providing love and support in times of need. Military moms, however, are a unique breed, tasked with the added responsibilities of providing for and protecting their families during times of war and military service.
From the mothers of service members to the wives of servicemen with children, and even moms who are in the military themselves, these women are often not given their proper due. So it is on this Mother’s Day that I attempt to do just that.
The mothers of service members are often the first to feel the burden of the deployments. No matter where their service member’s child is in their life or career, their mothers are with them in spirit. Like every other mother, they worry about them daily. How is their life? Are they happy? When will I see them again?
Yet these mothers have additional worries and concerns. Where is my child heading next? If there is a conflict, will they deploy? If they deploy, how can I help take care of his family that may be left behind? And of course, will I ever see them again? Will they return home safely, uninjured, or even at all?
I know this story too well. I watched it play out from afar as my own mother went through it, all of it, especially during my deployment in the Gulf War. I am sometimes not sure who the war was harder on. For me, I was just getting ready to fight and then the fighting began. Not much time for reflection. For my mother, it was a daily struggle not to be consumed by the war and the news coming out of it.
Fortunately, I did return home alive and essentially in one piece. Yet for her, it took a toll on her I had not expected. But as I continued to grow and understand it all, I came to appreciate the service member’s mother’s plight a little more. God bless them all.
Yet with that being said, I’d have to say that the wives of service members are the unsung heroes of the armed forces. Like the service members’ mothers, they too have the same worries. Yet they rarely have the time or luxury of being brought into the war especially if they have children. For these mothers, they must balance the demands of begin a military wife and a mother. They must also be the mother and the other half of the couple that used to raise the family together. They therefore must sacrifice their own comfort, wants, and needs to ensure their families have what they need to make it through deployment.
Additionally, as deployment day approaches, they must begin to prepare for the inevitable transition. They must help their spouse prepare for the deployment, but also prepare the family for the absence to come. They must begin to prepare to essentially become the equivalent of a single-mother home. They must begin preparing to fill all the roles that their children will need them to.
This was another story I watched unfold from a distance when I headed off to war. From the day my wife began to take over all the functions of the household as I prepared to go to war to the day I came home to begin to reinsert myself back into the home. As with all the prior deployments, she not only did all that needed to be done for our three children, but she also took on the responsibility of assisting other wives and mothers. But that was just her and also just another aspect of being a military wife and mother. It is her and her alone that is mostly responsible for the three great men that our children have become. And this while putting up with the deployments, the bad housing, the scrimping to make ends meet on a military salary, and, of course, putting up with the fourth child in her life – her service member husband.
Then there are the moms who are in the military themselves. These women face the unique challenge of not only having to serve their country but also having to manage the responsibilities of being a mother. They must leave their children behind as they deploy, often struggling with the guilt of being away from their loved ones. These brave souls must find the strength to stay focused on their mission while still finding time to stay connected with their children.
Above all, military moms are a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. They serve as an example of what it means to never give up, to fight for what is right, and to show unconditional love and support for their families. Their courage, strength, and dedication are a reminder that no matter what life throws our way, we can always find a way to persevere.
It is no surprise that military moms, in all their entities, are the true heroes of the armed forces. They put their own needs aside to ensure their families have what they need to thrive, even in the most difficult of times. They teach us that no matter how hard life gets, love and dedication will always prevail. We owe these brave women a debt of gratitude, for they are truly an inspiration to us all.