Note: As of Jan 17, 2023, ALL veterans who are in a suicidal crisis can recieve FREE care at any VA or non-VA Emergency Room.
Senator Bernie Sanders has it Right
“Taking care of our veterans is the cost of war—period. End of discussion.”
Who is the Angry Vet?
Now, stop and don’t go there. I don’t mean the angry vet as I’m going to harm anyone or harbor any ill will. I am more of a deeply concerned vet who gets a little angry about the things I see going on in our country – The United States of America. So I’m no different than most other veterans. I just finally decided it was time to speak my mind.
Who am I? Well, hopefully I can keep that to myself as much as possible. Despite loving to write and give my opinion on many things, I am a very private person. The short version of me – I am a retired, disabled Navy Chief Corpsman. I am the definition of a crusty old barnacle. I did two tours with the Marines, two tours in DC, and three shipboard tours.
The Marines won my respect and I hope I won theirs. DC was interesting for so many reasons. It was a great place to see a lot. It was also a place of politics, so there is that. The shipboard tours taught me one thing – I am a sailor. I will always love the sea and it will always be a part of me. There are few greater things than watching a sunrise or a sunset on the open ocean.
For more on me, check out About Me.
What is the Puprose of The Angry Vet
For the most part, this blog will focus on veteran and military issues. I will try to keep it limited to these areas because I could never keep up with one of these areas, much less both. The posts will be primarily short and on point. I will also try to suggest changes or improvements when I can think of some. After all, anyone can complain.
However, when it’s all over and done, and I have said my peace, I will try to focus on being respectful, supportive, and as positive as I can. I will aim to do all that because those three things are lacking in our national discourse, even among us veterans.
As for every day try to do the following:
- Live the best life you can.
- Be there for anyone and everyone, especially fellow vets and their families.
- Be the voice for active duty members.
- If you need help, especially emotional or mental, reach out. Vets are strong and the strongest seek out help when needed so they can be the person they are meant to be.
- Finally, choose joy. It’s different than happiness. Happiness is about being in positive circumstances and riding that happing emotion. Joy is a choice – no matter what the circumstances. So always CHOOSE JOY!